Monday, July 20, 2009

Some of Amaya's Favorite Pastimes- Part 2

Swimming, Jumping and Sliding, Oh My! Fun, Fun, Fun!

Some Of Amaya's Favorite Pastimes- Part 1

Petting the Giraffes

Sliding Down the Jumbo Slide

Jumping in a Bounce House

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Amaya Experiences Fireworks

Happy belated Fourth of July everyone. We had a fun day which ended with Amaya's first experience watching fireworks (see above photo). She loved them. Her statements, or exclamations, included: "Wow, look at that!", "Wow. Wow. Wow!", and "Look mommy, look daddy, fireworks. Fireworks." She also towards the end got a little selfish saying, "My fireworks. My fireworks." Guess she wanted them all to herself. :-)

I haven't been very good about blogging lately. But thought I'd atleast throw a quick pic on here and a quick message so that people don't think we fell off the face of the earth. :-)We've been keeping extra busy with this and that. What little time I do get on the computer is usually spent doing a quick email and facebook check. I will try to post again soon. Happy Sunday everyone!