Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's Chilly Outside

To kick off this blog entry, I thought I'd start with this picture that I snapped of our tv screen during the news the other night. I thought you midwesterners would get a kick out of it. Notice the adjective used to describe Sunday. :-)

New Outfit
That brings me to these next 2 pictures. Amaya was sooooo excited it was finally cool enough to wear her new "Pooh" outfit. She had been asking to wear this outfit every day for like 2 weeks.

Happy Dance! "I get to wear my new outfit! I get to wear my new outfit!"
"Look at me!"

Talented Toddler
Check out these 2 pictures. Too funny. I didn't know that I had caught this "talent" on film until I looked at the pics after uploading them. Lucky timing!!!
Bear is about to fall, but....
Amaya's quick feet save the day! :-)
Maternal by Nature
It has long been apparent that Amaya is naturally maternal. She's so loving, caring, gentle and sweet. For instance, on Sunday, Nov. 15th, Scott, Amaya, Grandma Cindy, Grandpa Jerry, and I were hanging out in our family room watching the Vikings game (the Packers played the late game that day) and I got sleepy and dozed off as half-time neared. When I woke up I was told about what great care Amaya took of me. She covered me up with one of her blankets, then turned to the others, put her index finger to her lips, and whispered Shhhhh. After that she proceeded to gently stroke the blanket over my leg. Soooo sweet. Here are a couple pictures demonstrating her maternal instincts.
She takes great care of all her baby dolls and animals...except when she's distracted while taking them for a walk and they are half hanging out of the stroller that is. :-)
But here she is being ever so gentle and loving. What a lucky bear. :-)
Shopping Time
Amaya loves to shop. This cute, little grocery cart and the groceries have proven to be a great investment! She goes grocery shopping every day. Now, if only she could drive and go to the real grocery store. :-)

Brrrrr again......
It was only 71 degrees in the house on this morning. Amaya complained that is was cold. These are the moments when I am reminded that she is an Arizona native. Soooo funny! We better not take her to Minot in January!
Trying to warm up before breakfast.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

While Daddy's Away, His Girls Will Play (and mommy will actually blog)

Hi Daddy! Great Win Today!!!
Scott has been out of town this weekend, so Amaya and I have been having a fun-filled mommy/daughter weekend. Although, at first Amaya wasn't so sure about this fun-filled weekend I promised her. It started out waiting in line Saturday morning in the cold for an injection. But, thanks to Jaxon's awesome daddy (thanks John!!!), we only waited in line for 20-25 minutes. He graciously got in line to wait at 7am so the kiddos could sleep longer and so they didn't have to be in the cold very long (and so they didn't get restless, I might add...they are 2 after all). But, after Amaya got her second H1N1 vaccination (yeah), the weekend quickly looked up.
We next headed to the Midwest Market in Mesa to get midwestern/norwegian provisions for Turkey Day. Amaya loves shopping, so she had a ball. She tried to convince me to buy pickled pig's feet. O.K. Um....I'm going to have to say no to that one Amaya. Sorry baby girl.
After that, Amaya proclaimed, "Mommy, you need to wash your car." O.K. It was pretty bad, I must admit. Someone needed to call me out on it. Thanks for putting me in line Amaya. Next stop, the car wash. There was one conveniently right next door. O.K. So it is now only 915...pretty productive day so far. Where to now?
Story time at Barnes and Noble it is. Turkey stories and turkey art projects...the perfect kick off to Thanksgiving week. :-) After that...I heard a rumor Basha's still had Honey Crisp apples. Sorry friends, we cleaned 'em out. Just kidding...there's a few more left. You better hurry. Next up, a quick lunch....then off to the park, where Amaya was enthralled with watching a couple of 8 or 9-year-olds hopping on pogo sticks. Now what do you think she wants for Christmas?
Next up....nap time/ie mommy time (I got to curl up with a book, some Chai tea, and some classical music...not a bad afternoon). Amaya slept for over 3 hours when I finally woke her and she continued to want to sleep in my arms. Made me a little nervous about her morning injection ....she's not one to need sooooo much sleep. She's like her mommy that way. But...she perked up eventually once it was time for our next fun activity.
Long story short, we've been trying to see "The Cat in the Hat" in it's entirety for about 6-months, and it was on tv at 630. Perfect way to spend an evening with the daughter. Snuggled up watching one of her favorite movies.
That was Saturday. Of course today's activities centered around the Packers. Amaya and I spent 3 1/2 lovely hours at our Sunday hang-out (B-Dubbs). We had soooo much fun and our Packers won!!! Yeah!!!! Amaya has been doing so good when we take her to watch the game with us, but I've never taken her by myself to sit at a bar and grill for over 3 hours watching football. I was optimistic it would go well...but one never can be sure with a toddler. Well, she was soooo good and soooo sweet. She had people stopping by from several other tables to say hi, or tell her how cute she was, or how much they loved her outfit, or how good she was, or how they just want to take her home with them, etc. People are sooo nice. One time during the game she suddenly stood up on her chair, put her arms up and yelled "Go Pack Go!", so no wonder so many people noticed her. :-) But...she fit right in with the crowd cheering on their teams. That's why we love b-dubbs.....it's such a fun atmosphere.
So, since Scotti is celebrating the win in Green Bay with a couple of 49-er fans (and a purple people eater), and neither of the games on tv is interesting....I found myself with time to blog. Wow! Happy Sunday everyone! :-)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Fun

Schnepf Farm/Pumpkin Patch

Football at B-dubbs

Carving Pumpkins

Halloween Party

Amaya's Neighborhood Friends
on Halloween Night

Trick or Treat Time
Happy Halloween

Amaya Preping for Game Time

O.K. So this is my blogging style for today... "a picture's worth a thousand words." :-) So, hope you enjoyed the pics of our little sweetheart's fall fun. I shall blog sometime later on in Nov. with an update on Amaya's latest and perhaps a video or two. Happy November everyone!!!