Saturday, February 27, 2010

Amaya's Fun February

Amaya had a very fun and full February. Here are some pictures from some of that fun. And no, I still haven't had time to go purchase a new camera. That's on my March agenda. So, again, excuse the quality. Some of the pictures are better quality and have the date on them. Those are from my mother-in-laws camera. Ironically we have the same camera, but clearly she hasn't dropped hers on the cement multiple times. :-)

Amaya full of joy after her Valentine's Party at the gym. She didn't want to leave. Her face paintings were so cute we had to snap a picture.
One more picture before washing those adorable cheeks.
Amaya and Dora out for a drive.
Ready for a stroll in the sun.

Amaya randomly started rapping. She had never done this before and she hasn't done this since. Oh she cracks me up!

Look out Beyonce, here comes Amaya.
Mommy and Daughter snuggle time.
My Cousins are Coming, My Cousins are Coming!
Amaya was so excited for aunt Amy, uncle Brian, and her SD cousins to visit. We had a blast while they were here!
"We are family......I got all my cousins with me." The kids provided us with great entertainment during the superbowl! Look out Jonas Bros., here come the Mitchell cousins.
Amaya's cousins joined her at one of her happy places...Bounce Jungle. They all had an absolute blast.
Jena and Lauren jousting
A, J, and L about to slide.
Weeeee. By the end, they were all jumping out at the top of the slides to catch air before hitting the slide and sliding the rest of the way down. Soooo fun!
Strike a pose.
Brycen and the girls.
Brycen without the girls.
Dinner at Oregano's....YUM!
The whole gang.
Zoo time!
This ended up being the favorite activity of the week. Fun times.
Carousel time.

I soooo wish I had my new camera for this picture. It's a momma monkey with a brand new baby monkey. So sweet. Momma is gazing lovingly at baby as baby is nestled in her arms. Aaaaah.
Train time.

Feeding the Giraffes.
Melman, is that you?

The boys: Brycen, papa John, and a Rhino.
Next stop.....The Phoenix Children's Museum

"My groceries sure add up!"
"Give me all your money!"

Amaya off to get groceries again in the background. Those who know Amaya shouldn't be surprised that she's already out of food. She eats like an NFL linebacker. :-)
Brycen and Amaya racing cars.

J and A triking it.
L and B triking it.
Back to the grocery store. The was the fave of the girls. Brycen loved the ball room.
Channeling my Miracle Mart days. :-)
Amy day dreaming of hitting the race track in her hot rod.
Brian remembering his motorcycle days.
Grocery time again. Clearly none of the girls are going to be into cooking. They didn't even pause in the cooking studio or pizza shop.

Out to dinner one last time before the Mitchell 5 head back north.
Was a fun week!
We miss you guys!