Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sunday Pool Time

Hurry up, mom and dad. I'm ready to go swimming.
Finally...lunch is done, it's time for swimming fun.
My cover up is off. Sunscreen is on. I am ready to go.
Floating with dad...
...and floating on my own.
O.K. Enough lounging in the sun, I am ready to go swimming now. (Camera down, photographer is now Amaya's swimming buddy.)
Mommy's tired after keeping up with Amaya all around the pool for the past hour. This float chair is the best when mommy needs to stay in one spot for a little while. Smile, smile. Amaya loves to sit on it and play with her pool toys. She doesn't like her own floats any more. She wants to be on the big people floats. To funny. Amaya also loves being pushed around the pool on this chair. With barriers on 3 sides, she stays put well, so we can give her quite a ride.

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