Thursday, March 5, 2009

Amaya's First Cubs Game

On Wednesday, Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Jerry took us to a Cubs spring training game. It was Amaya's first Cubs game and she had a blast! It was a beautiful day...82 degrees and breezy, so it was pefect. Amaya was sooooo good. The people behind us even commented on how good she was, especially being she was so young. The people around us enjoyed Amaya's entertainment value. She danced to the music that they played between innings. She cheered. She played peek-a-boo with the little boy in front of us. She alerted the audience whenever there was a plane or bird overhead. She was so fun. She actually sat and watched the game at times and she would literally cheer at appropriate times when doing so. Guess watching all those games on t.v. with dad paid off. Smile, smile. Amaya even lasted the whole game, with the help of 3 walks on on the concourse and a short trip to the kiddie batting cages. A true blue baseball fan already. We rewarded her at the end of game with a longer period of time at the kiddie batting cages. She had a ball. Needless to say she asked to go to bed 30 minutes early Wednesday evening. She had a big day!!!

Beautiful Goodyear Ballpark
Go Cubbies!

Geez, would you people just let me watch the game already!

Oh, yeah, Derrek Lee is up to bat. He's one of my favorites.

This pitcher is terrible! Get him out of there already.

Basehit! Yeah! Run, run, run!

I love these kiddie cages!
It's the perfect place to practice my pitching...

my throwing,

my baserunning,

my sliding,

and even just being silly.

I love baseball...just like my daddy!

Gotta throw a tackle in first love will always be football.

That was soooo fun! But I am beat. Time to go home and have some dinner. Bye!


Starring Brooklyn and Alexis said...

I completely knew there was a reason why we love Amaya and her mommy and daddy soooo very much. I question our affection during football season, but some spring time, bring on the love!!!!! We can finally get the girls in matching cubs fan gear and they won't look so ackward in pics together!!!! glad to see you had fun, we should catch a game when they are here at chase field...

Unknown said...

How fun! I don't think Will would sit still for more than 5 minutes, and that's being generous! I love the family pic of you 3, but what is that woman behind you doing. Hee hee... I think she likes you :O) See you the 15th. I just sent you Will's invite. It's March 27th at 6pm, so mark your calendar! It's at our house.