Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Fun

Amaya had a super fun Easter this year. From the moment she woke up that morning, there was a buzz in the air. She remembered we had told her that the Easter bunny would be coming to bring her a basket of surprises, and that she would get to see Papa Jerry and Mam-ma Cindy. So this is what she says as we walk into her room Sunday morning: "bunny, sprise, papa, mam-ma." And we heard it several more times. She was excited for the big day. So we started the day by going to church with papa and mam-ma. Then the 5 of us went to Mimi's for breakfast. After that we went home to find the Easter bunny had been there and left Amaya an Easter basket of goodies. So, she had some fun with that. Then it was naptime and "Masters" time. After Amaya's nap, we went to the Wests'. The boys enjoyed watching the Master's and the girls enjoyed gabbing and watching the children play. We all had a great time. Thanks to the West's for hosting a fun-filled Easter afternoon. Here is Amaya's Easter in pictures. Wish we could've gotten pics with grandma and grandpa, but busy Amaya is to energetic in the morning for pictures. We don't even try for still shots anymore. Candids are the only way these days. Smile, smile. After the crazy week we had with the flooding, it was so nice to enjoy a day just hanging with family and friends.

Amaya's Easter Basket, before she got her "paws" on it.
The fun begins.

Bunnies and bubbles and books, oh my.

And of course candy. Candy, candy, candy. Amaya definitely knows that word now.

Ooooo, look at all this fun stuff. What shall I play with first.

This bubble whistle looks like fun....

....let's start with that.

The bubble whistle sounded like mess-free bubble fun...but it wasn't. So we took it outside.

We discovered that Amaya enjoyed just blowing the whistle. She didn't care that it blew bubbles.

She marched around the pool blowing her whistle as if a conductor of a marching band.

Quite cute.

Taking a break from whistle-blowing for a bite of her candy bracelet. How convenient. Now that's a portable snack.

Snack time at the Wests'. You can barely see Jax because he kept pushing the table away. Too funny. (Amaya insisted on sitting in her booster chair. Also quite funny. Guess she missed it during her 2 week hiatus from "Erin-care.")

Park time.

Wow. I got all three of 'em in a picture at the park. Quite a feet with 3 busy toddlers.

Pretty in Pink Polka Dots

Time to head back for the Easter egg hunt.

Amaya and Jaxon giggling as they watch the doggies outside. Kate thinking what's the big deal, I see this all the time.
Happy Belated Easter, everyone.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

The pics of Amaya by the pool...making me a little nervous! :-) Thanks for coming over to celebrate with us! We all had a great time. Can't wait to get together again soon!