I know, I know...I haven't been blogging that often. What can I say. Amaya keeps me busy. She rises with us at 6am and by the time she goes to bed at 830pm, the last thing I want to do is blog. I am out of fuel by then and am ready to chill with the hubby for a little while, then head to bed. We are getting old. :-) We can hardly keep our eyes open long enough to see the top stories on the news. We sometimes don't even make it that long. :-) And...naptime is too valuable to blog when you only get 90 minutes a day. That is my time for a quick chai tea and then productivity. It's so much easier to do certain tasks without a toddler trying to "help." So, anyway, I was uploading photos from the last month and thought "childhood friends" makes a great theme for a blog entry. Especially when one hasn't blogged in several weeks. This way I can grab a few photos from our super-fun trip to MN, and playdates here and there and done. I've blogged. :-) I will blog again soon (in Becky bloggin' time, soon=sometime in the next month or so) and give an update on Amaya's latest. I plan to video her jammin' to her favorite group (she loves, loves, loves the Black Eyed Peas...she goes crazy...it's hilarious) sometime soon and shall post that clip, too. So....here's some of Amaya's "childhood friends."
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