Friday, January 7, 2011

Sleeping Beauty Doubles As a Ballerina

Amaya and her bff Jessie sleeping. Two cute and sweet sleeping beauties. I thought it was so cute the way Amaya had Jessie sleeping beside her and them facing each other that I had to snap some pictures. I wonder if they fell asleep while chatting. ;)

Below is the way Scott and I found Amaya sleeping last night. Now that must have been the ultimate of deep sleeps. To fall out of bed and just keep right on sleeping. Guess the little ballerina was danced out!
Here is the little ballerina dancing her heart out on New Year's Day. I had dvr'ed the New York Symphony Orchestra playing Tchaikovski music on New Year's Eve. We were watching it the next day and The Nutcracker came on. Amaya recognized the music from her dance class and started dancing. So we got her and her doll all decked out in their matching ballerina outfits courtesy of Grandma Kim and Grandpa John.

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