Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Amaya, Her New Trike, And Her Happy Place

First of all, here is a quick update on our busy little 2-year-old. She had her 2-year check-up on 3-19 (Thurs.). It dawned on me when the Dr. came in and commented on how long it has been since he's seen us that we made it the entire winter without needing to visit Amaya's Dr. Her last apt. was her 18-month check-up. Yeah. Amaya did have a runny nose a couple of times, but that was it. Knock on wood we continue with similar luck! See, being a hand-washing nazi pays off. Smile, smile. So, as far as her 2 year stats go, she's keeping consistant with being in the 10th percentile for weight (23lbs. 4oz.) and 5oth percentile for height (34.25 inches). I swear we feed the child. Her peops can attest to the fact that she's quite the eater. She's just blessed with her daddy's crazy fast metabolism I think.

O.K. What has Amaya been up to? A lot. Which is the reason I don't have much time to blog these days. She's a busy body! She loves to run...and run... and run. And she's ever so fast, so she wears mommy out keeping her out of harm's way! We've been known to cover our entire subdivision running, not walking, up and down the sidewalks. She continues to love the playground...and she already thinks it's pool season. Brrr. Clearly she has midwestern blood in her because she doesn't mind that the pool is artic. O.K. That's a slight exageration, but it's quite cold. Scott won't even put his feet in it.

We had planned to officially start working on potty-training in April. But, Amaya has decided to figure it out on her own. Guess she was tired of waiting for us. Smile, smile. We had bought her a potty chair when she was around 17 months old and just let her get use to having it around. She would sit on it here and there. We did the usual talking about all things related to potty time. And then the week before her birthday, she just started taking her pants and diaper off, sitting on the potty chair, and peeing all on her own. The first time she did this I said, "Let's get you dressed." It was time for dinner or something. And she said, "No, I potty." I said, "You have to go pee in the potty?" And she said, "Yes, I potty." And she did. We were so proud and excited. She initiated the whole thing on her own. She really had to go and she really peed in the potty. She has done this several times since. Yeah Amaya. So, we're half-way there before even starting. I've heard girls are easy to potty train, but this is awesome!

So, other than working on mastering the art of peeing, she's busy learning, playing and growing like all 2-year-olds. Her vocabulary is growing. She's mastered hopping and jumping. She's still sweet as can be most of the time, but definitely has her 2-year-old moments. Which are usually associated with wanting to go outside when she can't. She'd be outside every waking moment if she had her way. So, here are some pics of her enjoying the "great outdoors."

"Mom, I don't want to pose for pictures. I want to ride my trike already."
"O.K. I'll smile. Now can we go already?"

"Aahhh. Wide open space to run, run, run."
" of my favorite things to do."
"Wait a minute. What am I thinking? I forgot about my new trike."

"I better go back and get it."

"Sorry trike. I don't know what I was thinking. Let's run together."

"Here we go. I'll push you."


"O.K. Time to spend some time on the play structure. I wish they had monkey bars here! Oh well, swinging from this bar is fun, too."

Showing off her pamper, rapper style.

"Slide time, mommy. Yeah."

"I just love slides!"
"I'm gonna do that again!"
Amaya the Climber. I fear she'll want to do Mt. Everest someday.

But, atleast she careful and cautious.

That's all for now. Later.

1 comment:

John, Erin, Jaxon and Maxdyn said...

Love the new bike!! she is too cute on it!