Saturday, April 26, 2008

Splish Splash time

It's pool season! Yeah! Today we spent the afternoon by the pool. It was a beautiful day, 90+ degrees, and the water was just right.

Here Amaya is checking out the pool thermometer. Her verdict...the water is perfect.
Amaya tells her little friends it's time to go swimming.
Amaya running around with her little buddies.
Daddy and Amaya chilling.
Amaya also enjoyed a fun game of successively jumping in the pool and climbing out...over and over again. But, we have no pics of that because daddy was busy putting our new umbrella together. But it was quite cute and funny. She had a ball. She climbs out of the pool all by herself, and then turns around and jumps back my waiting arms of course. We'll try to video it next time. Have a nice evening everyone.


John, Erin, Jaxon and Maxdyn said...

Jaxon could barely sleep last night because he gets to go in the pool today....Amaya looks sooo cute in that swim suit!

Unknown said...

Ahhh. I'm jealous! I wish we had a pool! I'm glad Amaya is having a great time! Bathing Beauty!