Saturday, August 16, 2008

Amaya's Latest

Hi there, everyone. Finally...another Amaya themed blog entry. Amaya has had a very fun past couple of weeks. First of all...Amaya has never been too interested in television programs. Not Blue's Clues, not Sesame Street, not Baby Einstein, not the Wiggles, etc., etc., etc. Not that we've exposed her to very much of these programs. But here and there if we catch them on we'll watch it a little while and see what Amaya does. She'll look at the tv for a minute and then she moves on to something else. She's a busy girl after all. Well, we were perfectly fine with this, of course. She shouldn't be watching tv that much anyway. But one day Barney was on and boy we quickly learned Amaya has a thing for large, purple dinosaurs. She's obsessed now. At first I thought this was great. I figure having her watch a tv show once a day, for 30 minutes will not stunt her development and it's so fun to see her joy when Barney comes on. But now it's Barney, Barney, Barney. Or in Amaya's terms Ba'ey, Ba'ey, Ba'ey. She asks for Barney all the time. As soon as she's done eating breakfast, she points to the family room and says Ba'ey, Ba'ey, Ba'ey. Then she runs to the family room and points at the tv all the while shouting Ba'ey, Ba'ey, Ba'ey until she sees his smiling, purple face. Then it's Baaa'eeeey with a joyful, drawn out laugh. So, obviously, mommy and daddy will be buying Amaya a huge stuffed Barney for Christmas.

Other than watching Barney, Amaya has stayed busy going to the gym most mornings. She now dislikes leaving the gym. She use to run to me when I would pick her up. Now when she sees me she turns and "runs for the hills." They have to chase her down and bring her to me. To funny. So, obviously she has fun at the gym "Kidzone." These past couple of weeks she's been super into the lego table, the Mr. Potato Head table, and as always, the baby dolls. So, since she already has baby dolls and a Mr. Potato Head, we'll be buying her legos for Christmas... if we can wait that long. She also enjoys watching the big kids. She'll sit right next to them and look up at their faces. So cute.

Amaya started Gymboree a couple weeks ago. She loves it!
She loves balls, so this big ball is a hit.
She loves Gymbo the clown (it too is on her list since she practically refuses to let the teacher have it for her activities).
And she loves climbing on all the equipment. So Gymboree has been a good fit.
I signed Amaya up for an art class and KinderMusik class through Chandler parks and rec that she'll be taking this fall, so that should be fun. She loves music, so I know that will be a hit, but we'll see about the art class. So far at home she'll just scribble for a minute, then she wants to eat the crayon. Yuck.
Yesterday Scott and I took Amaya to the new water park that opened up by our house. She had a blast. That's going to be alot of fun having it so close. It's about a minute away. At first Amaya just kind of sat back and looked around, so we thought, hmmm, maybe we will have to come back when she's a bit older. But...after about 5 minutes of looking around and taking it all in she was ready to do some splish splashing. The splash pad area was shallow enough that she could wander around on her own and she had a blast doing just that. She also enjoyed all the water features, climbing features and the other kids. It was a fun morning and needless to say she had a good nap in the afternoon.
So, that's about all I have for now. Below are some pictures of Barney starting and Amaya clearly very happy about that.

1 comment:

John, Erin, Jaxon and Maxdyn said...

AHHHH welcome to the world of Barney...Jaxon sleeps with his Barney stuffed animal...All I have to say is it is better than teletubbies...ugh!